Riddle and rhyme that went with the southern most Where on Earth is Merf in DeSoto, Missouri. DeSoto was once named Fountain City many years ago. Merf was hanging around in front of Redfields fleamarket on Main Street.
Day 13 ( this is a rare one away from St Louis) Will require a scenic drive into the country while the leaves are still sort of at peak. Jesus said he who believes in me Flows fountains of living water. Why would the city have changed its name To someone known for slaughter? Water is life and gold brings strife So which would we rather have? I ner' understood why a name so good Was changed to one so bad. He came with 10 ships and 700 men. To chart a course to China. Though that's what he said, Power goes to the head, The riches and fame will kill ya. Of course the Indians attacked. They wanted their gold and game, And the fury faced devils With the fiery sticks And lust for their women Gone back. With the purest water in the world, A blue ribbon in the 1904 worlds fair. Why change their name To that conquistador Who ner' even made it there ? When tracks were laid Whites, they stayed, On one side, colored's the bottom. One day one braved to build anyway. They burn down his house, Not forgotten. When we had moved down From the burbs of Chi town, The fountains had long been shuttered. Jesus said not what goes into a man, But what flows out to others. There's still old world charm, We had a Tin roof. Merf won't be harmed, We dwelt in the land To cultivate friends. Tried to be faithful, And heated with wood. Now Merf is in town, When a long time ago, When our girls were small, Three bucks for the show, Across from his perch There's a painted parked train, And I once bought Theresa A tin weathervane.
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